Palmeiras — Green is the color of envy
Creative DirectionCreative Work
2019When launching the first jersey of the PUMA + Palmeiras partnership, our intention was to establish a strong connection with the fans, albeit avoiding more traditional stereotypes in communication.
Instead of talking about recent achievements and resorting to the Italianism that has always been present at Palmeiras, we decided to touch on the more emotional side of the fan and explore the feeling of redemption after so many years of bad results. Under the title "Green is the color of Envy" we made a call to all Palmeiras fans who know that the color that symbolizes their team is the only one that rivals do not use, do not tolerate.
We launched this campaign exactly at minute 1 of the year 2019 and it was the biggest shirt launch in PUMA's history in the world. Both in terms of sales and awareness. The work won 2 Effies precisely because of its important result, with record sales and hours of spontaneous media on TV.